Jonghyun’s “Juliette” is actually labelmate Jang Ri In?
A noona - dongsaeng couple has been revealed. Last year, SM Entertainment had originally admitted that idol group SHINee’s Jonghyun (22) was in a relationship with actress Shin Sekyung (22).
However due to several of Sekyung’s actions, fans found the relationship to be somewhat suspicious. Not only did Shin Sekyung close down her Cyworld, she continues to dodge press and reject any proposed interviews. What irked fans even more was the fact that the actress did not even attend SHINee’s 1st concert. SHINee held concerts in both Korean and Japan but the young actress was no where to be found.
But to fans’ surprise, a different celebrity was spotted with Jonghyun during the group’s Korea concert: Chinese labelmate Jang Ri In (23). Fans noticed Ri In going in and out of SHINee’s dressing room several times during the concert. It was also rumored that Jonghyun had left the concert arena with a mystery girl, assumably Jang Ri In.
After such sightings, fans demanded answers from the couple’s agency, SM Entertainment. After days of immense scandal, the agency finally admitted that the relationship between Shin Sekyung and SHINee’s Jonghyun was indeed a cover-up for the real couple, Jonghyun and Jang Ri In. “Even though Jang Ri In and Jonghyun promote in different countries and therefore cannot meet up often, when they can, the two spend time together to make up for lost time. They met frequently near SHINee’s dorms, and spent time around the apartment complex enjoying walks, or just simply talking to one another in the early mornings.”
When the news came out, Super Junior’s Leeteuk commented, “They’re both very busy, so they can’t spend time together that often. They can’t even call often, because Ri In is in China. But when she does come back [to Korea], they try to spend as much time together as possible.” He continued, “When they’re together, they get to take a break from their hectic, everyday schedules. They have a common interest in music, so when they first met they became close very easily. They became stars when they were so young, so they understand each other’s pains. I think they’ve become each other’s strengths.”
The couple actually sang a duet track on Jang Ri In’s debut album “星愿 (I Will)” titled “交错的爱/交錯的愛 (Wrongly Given Love).” At the time the song was recorded, Jonghyun had not yet debut leaving fans curious as to when the couple’s relationship actually began. SM commented that since the two cannot date freely in the public, they spend a lot of time at the recording studio, playing with songs and enjoying singing with each other’s company. The agency ended by saying that fans would be able to hear the two’s voices together again, hinting at a possible duet song.
Original Article
Quote 샤이니 종현의 “줄리엣,” 같은 소속사 장리인?
연상녀-연하남 커플이 탄생했다. 작년, SM 엔터테인먼트 (이하 SM)는 아이돌 그룹 샤이니의 종현(22)이 탤런트 신세경(22)과 사귀고 있는걸 인정했다.
하 지만, 팬들은 신세경의 많은 행동들을 보며 진정 이들이 사귀고 있는지를 의심했다. 신세경을 미니홈피를 닫으며, 기자들은 이리저리 피해다니며 인터뷰까지 거절했다. 일본과 한국에서 열린 샤이니의 첫번째 콘서트에도 출석하니 않아서 샤이니팬들의 화를 샀다.
허 나 팬들은 콘서트에서 더 신기한걸 발겼했다. 같은 소속사의 중국인 장리인(23)은 한국 콘서트에 출석했으며, 대기실을 서너번 방문했다고 한다. 콘서트가 끝나고 나서 종현은 장리인으로 보이는 한 여성과 콘서트 현장을 떠났는걸 봤다는 팬들도 있다.
이 것을본 팬들은 SM에게 진실을 요구하고, SM은 드디어 작년의 신세경-종현 커플링은 장리인-종현 커플을 커버하려고 내놓은 거라 인정했다. SM은 “장리인은 현제 중국에서 활동을 하고 있어서 둘이 만날수있는 시간은 많이 없지만 할수있을때는 둘이서 자주 만남을 가지고 있다고 알고있다. 샤이니 숙소가까이 자주 만나고, 새벽에 아파트 단지를 걸어다니며 이야기를 나누는것을 좋아한다” 이라 인정했다.
소식을 들은 슈퍼주니어의 이특은, “둘다 바빠서 같이 있을수 있는 시간이 많지 않다. 리인이 중국에서 활동을 해서 전화도 자주 못한다. 그래서 리인이 한국에 있을때면 최대한 같이있으려고 노력한다. 같이 있으면서 바쁜 스케쥴도 쉰다. 둘다 음악을 좋아하기 때문데 빨리 친해진걸로 안다. 둘다 어릴때 연예인이 되서 서로 이해하고 힘이 되주는거 같다.”
장 리인과 종현은 장리인의 첫 앨범”星愿 (I Will)” 에서 “交错的爱/交錯的愛 (한번 엇갈린 사랑)” 이라는 노래를 부른적 있다. 종현의 데뷔 전 부터이기 때문에, 팬들은 둘이서 언제서부터 사귀었는지 궁금해하고 있다. SM은 둘이서 데이트는 자주 못 즐기기 때문에, 녹음실에서 자주 노래하면서 둘이 같이 있는걸 즐긴다고했다. 조만간 팬들이 둘의 목소리를 같이 들을수 있을거라하며 듀엣송을 힌트했다.
source www.sportsseoul.com
credit www.shineee.net | chocolyn.org
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